The mission of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAP), located in Des Moines County in southeastern Iowa, near the city of Burlington, is to manufacture and deliver large caliber items for the Department of Defense using modern production methods in support of worldwide operations.
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant is a Group Technology Center for missile warheads, tank ammunition, artillery rounds and demolition charges. The plant is a one-of-a-kind national resource that provides “total munitions solutions” for the Defense industrial base, which includes research, development, production, inspection, testing, assembly, packing and demilitarization. The Iowa AAP’s 1,500 building facility is built on 19,300 acres in southeast Iowa. Less than a third of the IAAAP’s 19,015-acre (30-square-mile) property is occupied by active or formerly-active production or storage facilities. The remaining land is evenly divided between leased agricultural acreage and woodlands.